Welcome to Yuan
Property Management

Waterfront Living
Completed in 2021, Cova is an established waterfront community. Found within a unique setting along the Hope Island Canal, Cova is surrounded by parklands and waterways. All the facilities and residential areas are centred around its stunning 2.6ha private marina and broardwalk promenade.
Property Management
Property For Tenant
A properly prepared property will not only fetch a better weekly rent, and attract a better tenant, it will also help ensure the whole rental process is simple and easy from start to finish.
Fee and Charges
we have listened and are committed to a better way to property management . We have cut through the smoke & mirrors, because we believe in transparency & certainty fee & charges .
Transfer to yuan Property
We are glad to hear you got positive feedback on us from other investors and you might consider to join us CHANGING PROPERTY MANAGEMENT IN QLD & CAN BE DONE BEFORE YOUR TENANTS’ LEASE IS DUE TO BE RENEWED
Frequently Asked Questions
Landlord FAQS
Do I need landlord insurance?
We recommend all landlords protect themselves with landlord insurance, as from time to time things could go wrong. Landlord Insurance may cover you when a tenant is not paying the rent, vacating the property early, malicious damage or severe neglect. For the relatively small cost of landlord insurance, it is definitely a wise investment for your investment.
How often are inspections conducted?
Prior to the approved tenant entering the building, we will conduct a full entry condition report . At the end of a tenancy we will conduct a full exit condition report ensuring that no damage (excluding fair wear and tear) has occurred. During a tenancy, we conduct routine inspections every 13 – 14 weeks.
How and when do I receive my rent?
We pay money to owners out of Trust at the conclusion of each month, after we have conducted our monthly balancing procedures. This will be completed on the first working day of the month, and all money owing, transferred by no later than the 3th day of each following month. End of year statements will also be provided to the owner for tax time.
Landlord Insurance
Landlord Insurance covers you for tenant-related losses. Things like loss of rent due to a tenant breaking their lease or being evicted, or damage caused to your contents by tenants, like drink spills on carpets. Other insurance may not cover these events, and very often, the bond won’t be enough to cover the associated costs.
Get In Touch With Us!
07 5510 8885